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Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum

Eye & Lip Serum
This highly concentrated serum relaxes tiny wrinkles, accelerates the production of collagen fibers, provides intense hydration and visibly reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.
Eye & Lip Serum suitable for all skin types visible anti-aging effect reduces undereye... more
Product information
  • Eye & Lip Serum
  • suitable for all skin types
  • visible anti-aging effect
  • reduces undereye bags & puffiness
  • Hyaluronic Acid & Niacinamide

Over time, our skin begins to show the first signs of lines and wrinkles. The delicate skin around the eyes and lips is among the first areas to be affected. This is why Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum was formulated with peptides that strengthen, activate and optimize the function of natural proteins. They improve the skin's resilience, boost the production of collagen and elastin fibers, and visibly reduce wrinkles.

The power of peptides

For maximum effectiveness, Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum contains a variety of highly concentrated peptides that visibly rejuvenate the skin. Thus, highly active oligopeptides reduce muscle contractions caused by facial expressions, allowing the facial features to relax and wrinkles to become smooth. Anti-Wrinkle Peptide inhibits the degradation of hyaluronic acid and collagen for a firm skin matrix. Premium tetrapeptides stimulate microcirculation, have a decongestant effect and promote the production of collagen fibers. As a result, the skin continuously gains firmness, elasticity and tone.

Hydrating & cooling

The transparent, rapidly absorbed texture is further refined by the addition of deeply hydrating hyaluronic acid in three different molecular sizes as well as flavonoids from the Japanese Pagoda Tree, whose drainage effect counteracts undereye circles and puffiness. The effect against undereye circles and water retention is enhanced by the roll-on applicator with its cooling effect.

Soothes & strengthens the skin to protect against external stressors

Panthenol and Niacinamide strengthen the protective function of the skin and repel free radicals. The regeneration processes of stressed skin are supported, cells increasingly gain energy and the skin’s moisture content is rebalanced. Baptisia further reduces oxidative stress, relieves irritation and harmonizes the skin.

Active ingredients

Anti-Wrinkle Peptide, high-, medium- and low-molecular-weight Hyaluronic Acid, Flavonoids of the Japanese Pagoda Tree, Relaxing Oligopeptide, Baptisia, Matrix Eye & Lip Peptide, Panthenol, Niacinamide, Matrifirm, Bacillus Ferment

Category: Face
Product category: Eye care
Skin care need: Anti pollution, Moisture, Firming & Lifting, Cell protection, Dark circles & swellings
  • Set the button to OPEN, press and and use the applicator to apply the serum to affected skin areas around the eyes and the mouth. Pat gently into the skin. Then place button back to CLOSE. Use morning and evening before applying Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.




    Le sérum pour les yeux et les lèvres Peptide Performance contient une palette fortement dosée de peptides oligo, tétra et antirides et de l’acide hyaluronique fortement, moyennement et faiblement moléculaire. Il lisse les ridules, stimule la production de fibres de collagène, hydrate intensivement et réduit visiblement les ombres foncées et les gonflements. Avec effet rafraîchissant grâce à un roll-on intégré.


    Tourner le bouton sur OPEN, appuyer et appliquer le sérum à l’aide de l’applicateur sur les zones cutanées concernées du contour des yeux et de la bouche en tapotant délicatement. Puis remettre le bouton sur CLOSE. À utiliser le matin et le soir avant la Crème pour les yeux et les lèvres Peptide Performance.



    El suero facial Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum contiene un espectro de altas dosis de oligopéptidos, tetrapéptidos y péptidos antiarrugas, así como ácido hialurónico de alto, medio y bajo peso molecular. Atenúa las arrugas, favorece la producción de fibras de colágeno, hidrata intensamente y reduce visiblemente las ojeras y la hinchazón. Brinda un efecto refrescante gracias a su presentación tipo roll-on integrado.


    Coloque el botón en OPEN, presione y use el aplicador para aplicar suavemente el suero en las áreas afectadas de la piel alrededor de los ojos y la boca.. Luego gire el botón nuevamente a CLOSE. Úselo por la mañana y por la noche antes de la crema Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.



    O Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum contém um espectro de doses elevadas de oligopeptídeos, tetrapeptídeos e peptídeos anti-rugas, bem como ácido hialurónico de alto, médio e baixo peso molecular. Alisa rídulas, estimula a produção de fibras de colagénio, hidrata intensivamente e reduz visivelmente as olheiras e inchaços. Com efeito refrescante devido ao roll-on integrado.


    Colocar o botão na posição OPEN, pressionar, aplicar o sérum com o aplicador nas zonas da pele afetadas do contorno dos olhos e dos lábios e bater suavemente com a ponta dos dedos. Voltar a colocar o botão na posição CLOSE. Usar de manhã e à noite antes Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.



    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum contiene uno spettro ad alto dosaggio di oligopeptidi, tetrapeptidi e peptidi antirughe e inoltre acido ialuronico ad alto, medio e basso contenuto molecolare. Distende le rughe, stimola la produzione di fibre di collagene, esercita un’intensa azione idratante e riduce visibilmente le occhiaie e le borse. Ha un effetto rinfrescante grazie al roll-on integrato.


    Impostare il pulsante su OPEN, premere e, utilizzando l’applicatore, distribuire il siero sulle aree interessate della pelle intorno agli occhi e alla bocca, tamponando delicatamente. Quindi riportare il pulsante su CHIUSO. Utilizzare al mattino e alla sera prima del trattamento con Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.




    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum bevat een hooggedoseerd spectrum aan oligo-, tetra- en antiwrinkle-peptiden, evenals hoog-, middel- en laagmoleculaire hyaluronzuren. Het ontspant rimpeltjes, forceert de productie van collageenvezels, hydrateert intensief en vermindert zichtbaar donkere schaduwen en wallen. Met cooling-effect door geïntegreerde roll-on.


    Zet de knop op OPEN, druk en breng het serum met de applicator aan op de betreffende huidzones rond de ogen en de mond en klop zachtjes in. Zet de knop weer op CLOSE. In de ochtend en avond aanbrengen vóór Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.



    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum zawiera wysokoskoncentrowane spektrum oligo-, tetra- i przeciwzmarszczkowych peptydów oraz wysoko, średnio i niskocząsteczkowy kwas hialuronowy. Rozluźnia zmarszczki, pobudza produkcję włókien kolagenowych, intensywnie nawilża oraz widocznie redukuje ciemne cienie i opuchliznę. Opakowanie typu roll-on ułatwia aplikacje z dodatkowym efektem uczucia odświeżenia.


    Ustawić przycisk na OPEN, nacisnąć i nałożyć serum za pomocą aplikatora na zmienione chorobowo miejsca na skórze wokół oczu i ust, delikatnie wklepać. Następnie obróć przycisk z powrotem do pozycji CLOSE. Stosować rano i wieczorem przed użyciem kremu Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.



    Сыворотка Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum содержит целый спектр высокодозированных олиго-, тетрапептидов и пептидов, борющихся с морщинами, а также высоко-, средне- и низкомолекулярную гиалуроновую кислоту. Средство разглаживает морщинки, стимулирует образование коллагеновых волокон, интенсивно увлажняет и заметно уменьшает темные круги и отеки. Встроенный роллер дает охлаждающий эффект.


    переместите кнопку в положение OPEN, нажмите, при помощи аппликатора нанесите сыворотку на нужные участки кожи в области вокруг глаз и рта, мягко вбейте. Верните кнопку в положение CLOSE. Применяйте утром и вечером перед кремом Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.



    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum mengandung rangkaian peptida oligo, tetra, dan antikerut dosis tinggi serta asam hialuronat dengan berat molekul tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Kandungan ini mengurangi kerutan, meningkatkan produksi serat kolagen, menghidrasi secara intensif, dan mengurangi rona gelap dan pembengkakan secara nyata. Dilengkapi efek pendinginan berkat roll-on terintegrasi.


    Tetapkan tombol putar ke posisi OPEN, tekan dan gunakan aplikator untuk menerapkan serum ke area kulit yang terdampak di sekitar bagian mata dan mulut, serta tepuk secara perlahan. Lalu tetapkan tombol putar kembali ke posisi CLOSE. Gunakan di pagi dan malam hari sebelum menerapkan produk Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.



    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum 眼唇精华富含一系列高剂量低聚肽、四肽和抗皱肽,以及高、中和低分子量透明质酸。它可以抚平肌肤皱纹,促进胶原纤维生成,强化补水,并显著减少黑眼圈和肿胀。通过集成式走珠实现镇定效果。


    将按钮调向 OPEN,按压并使用涂抹器将精华涂抹至相关眼唇部位,并轻拍至吸收。将按钮调回 CLOSE。早晚用于 Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream 眼唇霜之前。



    펩타이드 퍼포먼스 아이앤립 세럼에는 고분자, 중분자, 저분자 히알루론산뿐만 아니라, 올리고 펩타이드, 테트라 펩타이드, 주름 방지 펩타이드가 고용량으로 함유되어 있습니다. 주름을 개선하고, 콜라겐 섬유의 생성을 촉진하고, 집중적으로 수분을 공급하며, 어두움 그림자와 붓기를 현저하게 감소시킵니다. 통합 롤온을 통한 쿨링 효과.

    사용 방법

    버튼을 OPEN 위치에 놓고 누른 후 어플리케이터를 눌러 세럼을 눈가와 입가의 해당 부위에 세럼을 바르고 가볍게 두드려 줍니다. 그런 다음 버튼을 다시 CLOSE 위치에 놓습니다. 아침과 저녁에 펩타이드 퍼포먼스 아이앤립 크림을 바르기 전에 사용합니다.



    يحتوي مصل Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum على مجموعة عالية الجرعات من الببتيدات القليلة والرباعية والمضادة للتجاعيد، بالإضافة إلى حمض الهيالورونيك ذي الوزن الجزيئي المرتفع والمتوسط والمنخفض. يُهدئ التجاعيد، ويعزز إنتاج ألياف الكولاجين، ويرطب البشرة بشكل مكثف ويقلل ظهور الظلال الداكنة والتورمات بشكلٍ واضح. له تأثير مُبرد بفضل البكرة المدمجة.


    اضبط الزر على الوضع المفتوح "OPEN"، واضغط على أداة التطبيق واستخدم المنتج لدهان المصل على المناطق المصابة من البشرة حول العينين والفم وربّتها برفق. بعد ذلك، أدر المقبض مرة أخرى إلى وضع الإغلاق "CLOSE". يُستخدم في الصباح والمساء قبل دهان كريم Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.


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    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream

    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream

    Eye & Lip Cream
    Content: 15 ml
    Content 0.015 Liter