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Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream

Eye & Lip Cream
This delicate cream inhibits collagen degradation while increasing the stability of the skin barrier as well as the skin’s ability to withstand oxidative skin stress.
Eye & Lip Cream Suitable for all skin types visible anti-aging effect firms contours &... more
Product information
  • Eye & Lip Cream
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • visible anti-aging effect
  • firms contours & reduces expression lines
  • hyaluronic acid & niacinamide

The delicate eye and lip area is where fine lines and wrinkles first make their appearance. Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream is formulated with highly concentrated peptides that increase the skin's resilience, reinforce its protective barrier and effectively reduce the visible signs of premature skin aging.

The full power of peptides

Eye & Lip Cream is made with a dual-action repair peptide that both inhibits collagen-degrading processes in the skin and stimulates collagen production. This gradually stabilizes and reinforces the skin barrier. Communication peptides ensure firm contours and noticeably increased elasticity while visibly reducing wrinkles. Highly effective Matrix Eye & Lip Peptides further enhance this effect.

Protection & hydration

Medium molecular-weight hyaluronic acid binds large amounts of moisture, stabilizes the skin barrier and plumps up the skin from the inside out. Vitamin E – the beauty vitamin – protects cells against oxidative damage and effectively counteracts the signs of skin aging, while niacinamide serves as an antioxidant and provides effective protection against pollution.

Visible lifting effect

Bacillus Ferment, an active biotech ingredient derived from the ocean, also serves to enhance the skin’s resilience, firm contours and visibly reduce wrinkles for an immediate lifting effect. Matrifirm supports this process. It improves the stability of the connective tissue, thus sustainably increasing both the skin’s volume and its firmness. Any irritation as well as the effects of oxidative stress are effectively minimized by Baptisia, a plant-based active ingredient. Stress-induced signs of skin aging subside, and the skin is brought back into balance and harmony.

Active Ingredients

Repair Peptides, Communication Peptides, Vitamin E, Relaxing Oligopeptide, Medium Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid, Baptisia, Matrix Eye & Lip Peptides, Panthenol, Niacinamide, Matrifirm, Bacillus Ferment

Category: Face
Product category: Eye care
Skin care need: Anti pollution, Moisture, Firming & Lifting, Cell protection, Dark circles & swellings
  • Apply to the entire eye and lip area and gently pat into the skin. Use morning and evening after applying Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.




    La Crème pour les yeux et les lèvres Peptide Peformance avec des peptides oligo, tétra, de réparation et de communication réduit la perte de collagène et améliore la capacité de résistance de la peau au stress cellulaire oxydatif, de même que la stabilité de la barrière cutanée. Cette crème raffermit les contours, réduit les rides d’expression et atténue les phénomènes visibles de vieillissement prématuré de la peau.


    Appliquer autour des yeux et des lèvres et faire pénétrer en tapotant doucement. À utiliser le matin et le soir après le Sérum pour les yeux et les lèvres Peptide Performance.



    La crema Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream con oligopéptidos y tetrapéptidos con efecto reparador y comunicante inhibe la descomposición del colágeno y aumenta la resistencia de la piel al estrés celular oxidativo, así como la estabilidad de la barrera cutánea. La crema reafirma los contornos y reduce las líneas de expresión y los signos visibles del envejecimiento prematuro de la piel.


    Aplicar suavemente alrededor del área de los ojos y los labios. Usar por la mañana y por la noche después del suero Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.



    O Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream com oligopeptídeos, tetrapeptídeos, peptídeos reparadores e de comunicação inibe a degradação do colagénio e aumenta a resistência da pele ao stresse celular oxidativo, bem como a estabilidade da barreira cutânea. O creme reafirma os contornos, reduz as rugas de expressão e os sinais visíveis de envelhecimento precoce da pele.


    Aplicar na zona do contorno dos olhos e dos lábios e bater suavemente com a ponta dos dedos. Usar de manhã e à noite depois do Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream.



    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream con oligopeptidi, tetrapeptidi e peptidi di riparazione e comunicazione inibisce la degradazione del collagene e aumenta la resistenza della pelle allo stress ossidativo delle cellule e la stabilità della barriera cutanea. La crema rassoda i contorni, attenua le rughe d'espressione e riduce i segni visibili dell'invecchiamento precoce.


    Applicare sul contorno occhi e labbra e tamponare delicatamente. Utilizzare al mattino e alla sera dopo l’applicazione di Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.




    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream met oligo-, tetra-, repair- en communication-peptiden remt de afbraak van collageen, verhoogt de weerstand van de huid tegen oxidatieve celstress en verbetert de stabiliteit van de huidbarrière. De crème verstevigt de contouren, verzacht expressielijntjes en vermindert de zichtbare tekenen van vroegtijdige huidveroudering.


    Rondom oog- en lippenzone aanbrengen en zachtjes inkloppen. In de ochtend en avond aanbrengen na Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.



    Krem Peptide Performance Eye & Lip zawierający oligo-, tetra- i przeciwzmarszczkowe peptydy hamuje degradację kolagenu i zwiększa odporność skóry na oksydacyjny stres komórkowy, a także stabilizuje barierę skórną. Krem ujędrnia kontury, zmniejsza zmarszczki i redukuje widoczne oznaki przedwczesnego starzenia się.


    Nanieść na skórę wokół oczu i ust, delikatnie wklepać. Stosować rano i wieczorem po użyciu kremu Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.



    Крем Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream c олиго-, тетрапептидами, репарационными пептидами и пептидами коммуникационного взаимодействия тормозит деградацию коллагена, повышает сопротивляемость кожи окислительному клеточному стрессу и устойчивость кожного барьера. Средство укрепляет контуры лица, уменьшает мимические морщины и видимые проявления преждевременного старения кожи.


    нанесите крем на область вокруг глаз и губ, мягко вбейте. Применяйте утром и вечером после сыворотки Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.



    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream mengandung rangkaian peptida oligo, tetra, peptida yang mendukung perbaikan dan komunikasi sel, menghambat pemecahan kolagen dan meningkatkan daya tahan kulit terhadap stres sel oksidatif, serta stabilitas pelindung kulit. Krim mengencangkan kontur, mengurangi garis kerutan, dan mengurangi tanda-tanda penuaan dini pada kulit.


    Oleskan di sekitar bagian mata dan bibir serta tepuk secara perlahan. Gunakan di pagi dan malam hari setelah menerapkan produk Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.



    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream 眼唇霜含低聚肽、四肽、修复肽和通讯肽,可抑制胶原蛋白的分解,增强肌肤对于细胞氧化应激的抵抗力,提升肌肤屏障的稳定性。这款面霜可以紧致轮廓,减轻表情纹,并减少肌肤提前老化的明显迹象。


    涂抹于眼唇部位的周围,并轻拍至吸收。早晚用于 Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum 眼唇精华之后。



    올리고 펩타이드, 테트라 펩타이드, 리페어 펩타이드, 커뮤니케이션 펩타이드가 함유된 펩타이드 퍼포먼스 아이앤립 크림은 콜라겐 감소를 저지하고 피부의 산화 스트레스에 대한 저항 능력과 피부장벽의 안정성을 향상시킵니다. 크림은 라인을 팽팽하게 하고 표정 주름을 줄여주며 조기 피부 노화 현상을 감소시킵니다.

    사용 방법

    눈가와 입술 주변에 바른 후 가볍게 두드려 줍니다. 아침과 저녁에 펩타이드 퍼포먼스 아이앤립 세럼을 바른 후에 사용합니다.



    كريم Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Cream المزود بالببتيدات القليلة والرباعية والتي تعمل على إصلاح البشرة وإمدادها بالمغذيات يمنع تكسير الكولاجين ويزيد قدرة مقاومة البشرة لإجهاد الخلايا المؤكسدة بالإضافة إلى دعم استقرار حاجز البشرة. الكريم يشد الملامح، ويقلل من الخطوط العميقة ويقلل من العلامات المرئية لشيخوخة الجلد المبكرة.


    يوضع حول منطقة العين والشفاه ويُربت على البشرة برفق. يُستخدم في الصباح والمساء بعد مصل Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum.


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    Peptide Performance Eye & Lip Serum

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    Content: 10 ml
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